- Frames for oval face shapes
- Frames for round face shape
- Frames for square face shape
- Frames for heart shaped face shape

With an oval face shape you may have a more pronounced forehead than jaw and a longer face line than others.
An oval face is longer than it is wide with overall balanced features
Glasses that may compliment you might sit quite high on your temple to balance your features and break up the line of your face.
Glasses that may compliment you are ones with stronger angles to create sharpness to your face

Round face shapes are nearly as wide as they are high, have soft lines and cheekbones are the most prominent point of interest.
Round face shapes are as wide as they are long, and have a soft, rounded jaw and cheekbones.
Choose a frame with a high temple position that slides in towards the chin. This will help to narrow the bottom part of your face.???
Choose an angular frame to elongate your face such as a rectangle or cat-eye

Square faces have equal dimensions between their forehead, cheekbone and jaw.
Choose glasses that soften angular features & add contrast and balance through a more rounded frame

Heart shaped faces have a more pronounced forehead with a narrow pointed chin and jawline.
Pick frames with soft shapes that are wider than the Jawline to help balance out your features.